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Maine's Cremation Authority

Guestbook for Judith Ann Welch
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June 21, 2023 | MS JANE DANIELSON - Freeport, ME -- United States

Dear Judy,
You were such a sweet, lovely soul! I will always remember your resilience and your delight in all that you found beautiful to celebrate. You were an inspiration! Thank you for being you.


June 7, 2023 | John F Marr - South Portland, ME -- United States

Judy was a beautiful person in every way. I loved every day that I had with her. She always had a beaming smile that helped to light up the day of every person around her and despite the business we were in she never became jaded and always found and brought out the best in people. So sad to lose such loving and caring soul. May you enjoy the peace you deserve. Your spirit lives on and we love you

June 7, 2023 | Debi Komich - So Portland , ME -- Cumberland

Judy and I worked together at MEMIC. She was a wonderful
Woman, funny, caring and very hard worker. I loved our lunches together. She loved Freeport and said she could not wait to retire there.
Rest my friend.


Funeral Alternatives offers cremation services, burial and funeral services, pre-need packages, and memorial merchandise.

Offices in Lewiston, Brunswick, and Augusta Maine.
Serving Androscoggin County, Cumberland County, Kennebec County, and surrounding areas.

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