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Maine's Cremation Authority

« Obituaries | Barry L. Wyman

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Barry L. Wyman

Date of Death: July 31, 2019

Date of Birth: March 31, 1961


The term Godly refers to having an inward devotion for God that is outwardly displayed.

Barry L. Wyman was a Godly man. A man who would do anything for anybody. He befriended people because he saw everyone as equal and truly cared. 
Barry was a devout husband, a wonderful father, a brother, a grandfather, a son, and most of all a friend to us all. Someone who listened without
complaining or judging and showed his love when we needed it most.
God truly worked through Barry in touching so many and showing us what it’s like to be a Godly man. Someone we strive to be like, so we to can touch
the hearts of those around us.
We are all better people because of you Barry and we know you’re in better place, standing strong and smiling down upon us. God Bless you.

Funeral Alternatives offers cremation services, burial and funeral services, pre-need packages, and memorial merchandise.

Offices in Lewiston, Brunswick, and Augusta Maine.
Serving Androscoggin County, Cumberland County, Kennebec County, and surrounding areas.

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